The Classroom Curriculum

The dedicated teaching staff at Treynor Preschool spend over 40 hours a month planning what will be taught in each classroom month by month. One of the models we use is The Creative Curriculum®, which is a comprehensive curriculum for 3-to-5-year-old children which addresses the four areas of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development. By utilizing these resources, our staff is able to foster the development of the whole child through teacher-led small and large group activities. Child assessments and parent-teacher conferences are an ongoing part of our educational experience.

Our goal is to build children’s confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills through hands-on, project-based investigations, that will set the foundational building blocks for a love of learning, and prepare your child for their educational future.

Integrate Mathematics Throughout Your Day

Just like mathematics skills are needed and used during children’s daily lives, mathematics learning should occur throughout the classroom day, too, without being limited to a specific time slot.

Children need frequent practice in play settings and activities that include meaningful discussions and applications to develop the essential mathematical process skills of problem-solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, and representing.

Build the Social–Emotional Foundation Children Need

Preschool provides the perfect environment to promote social-emotional development with support from a foundation of social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development.